Power Farming was proud to be the main sponsor for the Marotiri School Trail Ride in March 2022, a great motocross challenge which raises money for the school’s programmes. Our Power Farming Morrinsville team were familiar with the annual event and jumped at the opportunity to provide key support.
The event involved 580 dirt bike riders, many from the local farming community of Taupo. The main loop was about 40km, with a novice alternative of 9km. These routes passed through the farmlands of the Armer family and Oliver family, who generously offered their space for the event.
Despite the nationwide COVID-restrictions, the organising team from Marotiri School did a fantastic job of keeping it running smoothly. Power Farming in their role as sponsor contributed to those base costs of operation and had a strong presence on the day, with our ‘We Love Farmers’ banners standing proudly around the event site.
It’s the school’s biggest fundraiser of the year and really makes a difference in the programmes they can offer their pupils. Their estimated raised funds from the event were in excess of $20,000 – an awesome figure which will be put to great use.
Power Farming Morrinsville’s Andrew Johnson took part on the day as a marshall, and he really appreciated the value that the event has for the local community. As he says, ‘’It’s brilliant to be able to give back to the local community that supports us. It’s nice to be able to put Power Farming's name somewhere where it's not always standing as well.”